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Three THCDC publications win award for ‘Published Documents and Books of 2023’

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2024/01/09
  • Last updated:2024/01/09
  • Count Views:686

The Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center (THCDC) of the Hakka Affair Council received an award for “Published Documents and Books of 2023” at the ceremony organized by the Taiwan Historica on Sept. 27. This is the second time that THCDC participated in the competition, and the three award-winning publications won two commendations and one honorable mention.

THCDC’s three publications  Taiwanese Hakka and Japan International Exhibition” won an award for “Published Documents and Books of 2023(PHOTO:THCDC’s three publications, including “The Story of Hsiao Family in the Zuodui Community,”  “Mountains and Waterfronts: Development of Old Settlement in Liugdui,” and  “A Record on ‘A Never-Ending Stream: Taiwanese Hakka and Japan International Exhibition” won an award for “Published Documents and Books of 2023.”)

In recent years, THCDC has been actively promoting the “Project for Writing History of Hakka Villages (客庄聚落村史撰寫計畫)” through investigation and research to delve into stories in Hakka settlements. The book “The Story of Hsiao Family in the Zuodui Community (蘭陵步月:左堆蕭屋家族故事),” which received commendation this time, is part of the project. The publication documents the Hsiao family of the Zuodui community in Pingtung’s Jiadong Township throughout the time as Taiwan was under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Japan, and the Republic of China. Through images and texts, the legend of the prominent family in Zuodui is retold and the local history is unfolded.

Meanwhile, “Mountains and Waterfronts: The Development of Old Settlements in Liugdui (山傍水濱-六堆舊聚落的發展),” the other commendation, is based on the research results of the Liugdui area and records of the six Hakka settlements from “The Gazetteer of Tainan’s Dongyue Yimin (臺南東粵義民誌).” Through the comparison and contrast of ancient and modern maps, the book displays the changes of Liugdui in different periods, from the formation of settlements, the evolution of place names, and settlement development, to local characteristics.

The book “A Record on ‘A Never-Ending Stream: Taiwanese Hakka and Japan International Exhibition (川流不息:臺灣客家與日本國際展展示專輯)’” received the honorable mention. In 2017, THCDC, Taiwan’s College of Hakka Studies of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Japan’s National Museum of Ethnology signed an agreement on academic research cooperation and exchange. Following the signing of the agreement, the “Never-Ending” exhibition was held in Taiwan Hakka Museum in 2020.  The contents of the exhibition later were edited and published, with detailed records on various aspects including a history of baseball, the second immigration of Hakka people within Taiwan, and the industries engaged in by Taiwanese Hakkas during the period of Japanese rule. Undoubtedly, the book can also provide reference sources for those who want to learn about the relationship between Taiwanese Hakka people and Japan.

At the award ceremony, THCDC Director-General Ho Chin-liang (何金樑) said this is the second time that THCDC participated in the award review and won the award, adding that the award-winning publications are the result of concerted efforts from many people. He stated that, in the future, THCDC will work harder to promote and preserve Hakka culture through collaboration with different ethnic groups and partners in various fields at home and abroad.

For those who are interested in THCDC’s publications, please visit our official website.