Research Collections and Books

2018-2019 Biennial Report
Publication Date:The biennial report compiles the researches, collections, exhibitions, extension education and public services of Taiwan Hakka Cultural Development Center (THCDC) during 2018 to 2019. The goal for THCDC is to build the excellent quality museums, to preserve and pass down the Hakka cultural heritage. Publisher / Chin-Liang Ho Executives / Der-Chyi Wu, Chang-Cheng Wu, Yu-Ching Lai, Min-Chen Yao,Mei-Li Yang, Sheng-Lai Chiang Date of Publication First edition published in Decemer 2020 Charge / NT $350 GPN / 1010902419 ISBN / 9789865434182
Siinˇ Mungˇ Repositioning the Hakka in Contemporary Taiwan
Publication Date:「承蒙」,是客家人說謝謝、表示感激、誠心致意的幾種方式之一。本書以承蒙為標題,所表達的是客家族群對臺灣社會的謝意,因為,後者充沛地滋養了客家文化。展示臺灣客家文化,事實上就是試圖呈現客家文化和社會人群互動的成果,客家文化如是豐富,當係承蒙廣體臺灣長期又細膩的滋潤給養。從另外一個方面來看,客家人群作為臺灣社會的重要組成,其文化實作,特別是與周邊人群的互動往來,一起建構了島嶼國度的人文歷史特色。因此,客家臺灣、臺灣客家、客家臺灣文化及臺灣客家文化等的創詞,其意義格外深遠。 展示,作為介紹客家與臺灣的一種方式,期許如其所如的從臺灣認識客家、從客家認識臺灣。客家的源起,以及客家與臺灣相互建構過程的歷史,容或有多種解釋,我們認為,應本於學術研究的基礎,如其所如的展示。客家委員會客家文化發展中心臺灣客家文化館的新常設展,即是基於此一理念的產物。歷史客家、全球客家、常民客家、文化客家及公民客家等五個展示主題,及其相互呼應之架構的提出,源於客發中心多次諮詢會議的決定。常設展主軸即定位於客家與臺灣社會的關係,而整合起五個主題的宏觀視野,正是得以通過認識客家來認識臺灣並再造自若自信的客家。 編/著/譯者 / Wei-An Chang, Shih-Chung Hsieh, Jui-Chao Liu/... 出版機關 / 客家委員會客家文化發展中心 出版日期 / 2021-03 主題分類 / 客家事務 施政分類 / 客家 ISBN / 9789865434212 GPN / 1011000275 頁數/張數/片數 / 240 裝訂 / 平裝 定價 / NT$ 350 85 折優惠價 / NT$ 298 Authors Wei-An Chang, Shih-Chung Hsieh, Jui-Chao Liu Published by Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council Address No.6, Tongke S.Rd.,Tongluo Township, Miaoli County 36645, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Telephone +886-37-985558 Publisher Chin-Liang Ho Editior in Chief Der-Chyi Wu, Chang-Cheng Wu, Yu-Ching Lai, Min-Chen Yao Editional Board Kuo-Feng Hsu, Ling-Yao Chu, Huang Hsiu-Jung Translator Hsiang-Chih Hwang Reviewed by Fen-fang Tsai Design&Printing Linking Publishing Telephone +886-2-86925588 Date of Publication 2021/3 Edition First Edition Charge NTD 350 ISBN 978-986-5434-21-2 GPN 1011000275
2020-2021 Biennial Report
Publication Date: -
One Crowded Moment of Glory: The Kinabalu Guerrillas and the 1943 Jesselton Uprising
Publication Date:Malaysia 2019 National Book AwardMalaysia 2021 National Academic Publishing Association Award Who were they fighting for? And why? On October 9, 1943, a Saturday evening, the Kinabalu Guerillas sallied forth. The plan was a surprise attack on Tuaran police station to liberate that town from the hands of the Japanese. There followed a night attack on Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu). October 12, 1943. With countless dead and injured from the guerrilla raid, the humiliated and furious Japanese swore to take full revenge. It is reported that on the way to Inanam the Japanese shot at anything that moved. In World War II, a group of young ethnic Chinese in Malaysia (primarily Hakka) organized themselves into the “Kinabalu Guerrillas,” banding together with local islanders to resist the tyrannical Japanese military occupation. On an early Autumn evening their successful surprise attack temporarily liberated Jesselton. But they also drew a swift and brutal reprisal from the Japanese army that included the imprisonment and indiscriminate killing of locals and the massacre at Petagas. After peace returned to Sabah, the colonial government in Petagas erected a war memorial and Sabah locals have long remembered the brave deeds of the Kinabalu Guerrillas, who embodied the spirit of their pursuit of freedom and of heroic struggle against a far more powerful enemy. Publishers: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press, Hakka Affairs Council Taiwan Hakka Culture Development CenterAuthor: Danny Wong Tze Ken (Director, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya)Chinese Translation: Chung Yi-niISBN: 978-9865434465Published: November 2021
The Hakka: Foreigners Within China
Publication Date:The book focuses on the portrayal of important Hakka historical figures, displayingthe outstanding qualities of Hakka people. Author Keizo Takaki opens with their experiences with the Hakka before taking the reader back into history, telling how Hakka people such as Zhu Yigui, Hong Xiuquan, Sun Yat-sen and Deng Xiaoping have influenced the development of modern history. The book further traces the paths of Hakka migration, describing how Luo Fangbo, Lee Kuan Yew and Hakkas all over the world have step by step expanded the regions where they live and put down roots to blend into societies everywhere. This work shows that Hakka possess strong solidarity, are hardy and industrious, and are fully confident in their culture and traditions. Author: Keizo TakakiChinese Translation: Chen Po-chiehReviewed by: Chang Wei-an, Huang Yi-chun Publisher: Ho Chin-liangAdmin Adviser: Wu Te-chiPlanning and Execution: Lai Yu-ching, Hsu Kuo-feng Publisher (1): Hakka Affairs Council Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Tongke South Road No. 6, Jiuhu Village, Tongluo Township, Miaoli County 36645 Publisher (2): SMC Publishing Inc., No. 14, Alley 14, Roosevelt Road Section 3 Lane 283, Taipei City 106019 Design Editors: Chen Wen-hsin, Huang Ying-fuText Correction: Lin Wei-minISBN: 978-986-5434-31-1VAT no.: GPN 1011000753Edition: September 2021, 1st printingPrice: NT$350Japan Kodansha Ltd. has authorized SMC Publishing Inc. to publish this traditional Chinese character edition. It may not be reprinted, copied or reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the agreement of Kodansha Ltd.
The Hakka: History, Culture, Impressions
Publication Date:This book, based on field surveys and documentary research of Hakka districts, examines the three aspects of “history and geography,” “life and customs” and “representation and identification” to introduce the history, culture and image of the Hakka. The authors have carried out case studies in East Asia over many years and extend outwards from this center. Through field surveys carried out over many years, the authors got alongside and lived with contemporary Hakka people and have turned their personal experiences into relatable words that allow the reader to also feel present and experience Hakka customs from all over. Authors: Noriko Iijima, Hironao Kawai, Hiroshi KobayashiChinese Translation: Chou Chun-yuReviewers: Chang Wei-an, Huang Yi-chun Publisher: Ho Chin-liangAdmin Adviser: Wu Te-chiPlanning and Execution: Lai Yu-ching, Hsu Kuo-feng Publisher (1): Hakka Affairs Council Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Tongke South Road No. 6, Jiuhu Village, Tongluo Township, Miaoli County 36645 Publisher (2): SMC Publishing Inc., No. 14, Alley 14, Roosevelt Road Section 3 Lane 283, Taipei City 106019 Design Editors: Chen Wen-hsin, Huang Ying-fuText Correction: Lin Wei-minISBN: 978-986-5434-32-8Edition: September 2021, 1st printingPrice: NT$500Translation and publication authorized by Gendai Shokan, Japan
2018-2019 Biennial Report
Publication Date:The biennial report compiles the researches, collections, exhibitions, extension education and public services of Taiwan Hakka Cultural Development Center (THCDC) during 2018 to 2019. The goal for THCDC is to build the excellent quality museums, to preserve and pass down the Hakka cultural heritage.
’Hakka slangs and the Words of the Master’
Publication Date:The Hakkas are a branch of the Han nationality. Since the ancient times, the Hakka dialect has long been a widely used language in Central Plains. It has been passed down generations by generations from the Hakka ancestors. The Hakka ancestors left behind words of wisdom and philosophy in easily understood discourses; those that are able to read can easily understand the meaning within the words, and put which to use; even the general folks can understand the meaning of which orally with ease, which is widely used in communications of daily lives. These words are the so-called slangs, Words of the Master. At first, the Hakka slangs and Words of the Master are mainly passed down orally. The inheritance of which happen between the general folks with no written documentation. With the rise of modern baihua (vernacular literary language), a small part of which are documented in Chinese characters. As the majority of the modern generation tend to use computers, coupled with the addition of phonetic symbols to the written documentations, one can easily see the wisdom and experience within. Directed by: Hakka Affairs Council / Miaoli County Government Party of Issuance: Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council / Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County Government Issuance address: No.6, Tongke South Road, Jiouhu Village, Tongluo Township, 366 Miaoli County / No.50, Zizhi Rd., Miaoli City Tel.: (037)985558 / (037)352961 Issued by: Yong-de, Li / Yao-chang, Hsu Produced by: Jin-liang, He / Yan-fu, Lin Administrative Execution: Chang-cheng, Wu, Mei-li, Yang, Yi-jen, Hung / Cai-ping, Chan, Guo-chang, Hsieh Production Execution: Chiao-qi, Chang / Wen-qi, He Illustrated by: Dan-feng Printing Co., Ltd. Date of Issuance: May, 2018 Date of Publication: May, 2018 Edition: First edition Cost of Book/Works (fixed price): NTD $150 GPN: 1010700739 ISBN: 978-986-05-5966-8
‘The Pioneer - Wenqi He’s Artistic Life’
Publication Date:The word ‘Pioneer’ refers to ‘the person that first discover or help develop something new, make exemplary examples for others, or pave the way for others to follow’. Born in the year 1931, Mr. Wenqi He is a well-known post-war artist who is passionate about art education and creation for his entire life. Since 1964, Mr. He started upon his journey of rural sketch creation, thereby discovering that what really embodies the inner feelings is the everyday life that is often overlooked and even neglected. He then turned to devote himself in a large number of hometown scenery and ancient buildings sketches. Cities and towns of all sizes near the Kaohsiung and Pintung areas in which he lives in, hold footprints of his visits, thereby leaving sketches of precious past features of such areas. In particular are the traditional buildings such as tiles, horsebacks, houses, roof ridges and windows of Liudui Hakka villages, as well as everyday tools such as mortars, spring couplets and Wufu paper cuttings or customs are hugely featured in his works. The series of works are also viewed as Mr. He’s most iconic creations in his career. Directed by: Hakka Affairs Council Party of Issuance: Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council Issuance address: No.6, Tongke South Road, Jiouhu Village, Tongluo Township, 366 Miaoli County Tel.: (037)985-558 Issued by: Jin-liang, He Produced by: Chang-cheng, Wu Administrative Execution: Min-zhen, Yao, Shan-rong, Chiu Production Execution: Peng-rui, Chiu Editing Execution: Yu-Hwa, Tung Illustrated by: Mei-rong, Song Production Editing: Ye-wu-jing Co., Ltd. Date of Issuance: April, 2018 First edition Cost of Book/Works (fixed price): NTD $350 GPN: 1010700451 ISBN: 978-986-05-5742-8
2017 Annual Report of the Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Publication Date:Content outline: The Center’s ‘2017 Annual Report’ reviews the collection of business results of the Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center in 2017. The Report includes researches, collections, exhibitions of arts, promotion of education, public services, publications, etc., so as to record business overview of the past year. By presenting the developments of all aspects of the Center through pictures and figures, it is hoped that the community’s understanding of the Southern and Northern Parks will be greatly enhanced. Organized by: Comprehensive Planning Team