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2018-2019 Biennial Report

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2023/03/07
  • Last updated:2023/03/07
  • Count Views:2828
2018-2019 Biennial Report 展示圖 2018 2019 Biennial Report 封面 內文壓縮 頁面 001

The biennial report compiles the researches, collections, exhibitions, extension education and public services of Taiwan Hakka Cultural Development Center (THCDC) during 2018 to 2019. The goal for THCDC is to build the excellent quality museums, to preserve and pass down the Hakka cultural heritage.




  • Publisher / Chin-Liang Ho
  • Executives /  Der-Chyi Wu, Chang-Cheng Wu, Yu-Ching Lai, Min-Chen Yao,Mei-Li Yang, Sheng-Lai Chiang
  • Date of Publication First edition published in Decemer 2020
  • Charge / NT $350
  • GPN / 1010902419
  • ISBN / 9789865434182