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2015"Yoyo Hakka Challenge". 5022 little warriors pass the Hakka farmstead challenge!

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2015/07/31
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:890
"Pass the Hakka farmstead challenge, we are waiting!" The Hakka Affairs Council held the 2015 "Yoyo Hakka Challenge" event on 23 May in 14 cities all over Taiwan, which saw a total of 5,548 little Hakka warriors take part. The Hakka Affairs Council integrated games and attestation, simulating scenarios from daily life to create a live and interesting event that attracted many children to participate, using it to improve their Hakka speaking and listening abilities.  According to the Hakka Affairs Council, the 2015 "Yoyo Hakka Challenge" revolved around the key themes of food, clothing, housing, transport, education, entertainment and daily life knowledge, using interactive learning and a 5-stage games system to guide children in speaking Hakka. In terms of passing on language heritage, taking part in the attestation is not just to ascertain one's Hakka language proficiency, but more to bring about the collective learning of Hakka among young children and their parents, which allows for the integration of Hakka into family life and the realization of the continuity of Hakka culture.