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【Liudui Park Activity】ngˋngied jiedˋ gin hoˋ liau ( Have fun with Dragon Boat Festival)

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2018/05/31
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:914

五   月   節 .  盡  好   尞
ngˋngied  jiedˋ  gin  hoˋ liau

Block Buster I [Dragon Boat Cup Baby Crawling Competition] EDMBlock Buster II [Fun Land-based Dragon Boat Experience] EDM

“Dragon Boat Festival” is an important cultural festival for Chinese people. It is also most commonly known as the “May Festival” for Hakkas. Get your group to Liudui Hakka Cultural Park this May Festival!

Fun and interesting events this May Festival (Dragon Boat Festival)!

Block Buster I [Dragon Boat Cup Baby Crawling Competition]
Win your own diapers! We are inviting all babies to come join in our dragon boat race, transforming into dragon boats for some crawling fun.

Apart from consolation prizes, the top 10 crawlers can even receive selected prizes!
✽Date: June 17th, 2018 (Sunday) 09:30-12:00
✽Venue: Performance Hall, Liudui Hakka Cultural Park
★Application fee is NTD $100 per baby (On-site payment at the time of registration)
Only open to 100 participants (Babies born between September 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017)
▲Open for application from June 1st (Fri) 10:00 ★Apply now at:

Block Buster II [Fun Land-based Dragon Boat Experience]

This Dragon Boat Festival, land-based Dragon Boat returns. You are invited to experience the fun and interesting land-based dragon boat race!
Each team will receive consolation prizes, the top 10 teams will be rewarded with selected prizes. Get your team ready and apply now to celebrate the May Festival!
✽Date: June 17th, 2018 (Sunday) 12:30-17:30
✽Venue: Grassland Plaza - in front of Performance Hall, Liudui Hakka Cultural Park
Only open to 50 teams (5 per team, including at least 1 female and 1 child under the age of 12, the two cannot be the same person)
★Application fee is NTD $250 per team (On-site payment before the race)
▲Open for application online from June 1st (Fri) 10:00 ★Apply now at:

[Fun Land-based Dragon Boat Experience, see here if you are new to the race!!]

Liudui Hakka Cultural Park May Festival (Dragon Boat) – Past Land-Based Dragon Boat Races

Liudui Hakka Cultural Park – May Festival (Dragon Boat) Dragon Boat Demonstration