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【Taiwan Hall Activity】Hakka Delusion – Featured Talks on Hakka Ceramics, open to all interested parties for free~~

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2018/02/13
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:987

The ceramics industry of Hakka villages in Miaoli and Hsinchu originated from the Japanese colonial period. The industry mainly focused on the manufacturing and production of daily life appliances such as bowls, dishes, basins, tanks and jars. It is also closely related with people’s daily activities. After the war, due to the impact of the big environment, traditional ceramic factories were transformed into manufacturers of wine cellars and exports of decorative ceramics, while traditional styling ceramics of the past continue to be widely used by people on a daily basis. The style of ceramics at Hakka villages tend to be simple and natural, and is based on practicality, reflecting upon the unpretentious attitude and connotation of Hakka families. This exhibition is divided into 6 major themes, including ‘Beauty of Inheritance’, ‘Beauty of Quaintness’, ‘Beauty of Mellowness’, ‘Beauty of Painting’, ‘Beauty of Art’ and ‘Beauty of Ancient Kiln’ to present the ceramic characteristics and humanistic spirit of each period of Hakka villages.

Moreover, we invited Prof. Hsin-shang, Chen from the College of Arts, National Taiwan Normal University and Prof. Tai-kang, Lu from the Department of Art History, Tainan National University of the Arts to the Taiwan Hakka Museum to host talks on the related topics, which are open to all interested parties for free.


Session 1:

Topic: The Diverse Cultures of Hakka Ceramics

Guest: Prof. Hsin-shang, Chen from the College of Arts, National Taiwan Normal University

Time: February 9th, 2018 14:00

Location: Briefing Room, Taiwan Hakka Museum


Session 2:

Topic: Hakka Delusion – The Beauty of Hakka Ceramics

Guest: Prof. Tai-kang, Lu from the Department of Art History, Tainan National University of the Arts

Time: February 25th, 2018 14:00

Location: Briefing Room, Taiwan Hakka Museum  



Hakka Delusion – Featured Talks on Hakka Ceramics, open to all interested parties for free~~