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THCDC launches new book “The Liugdui and Gadunggiog Battles in 1895,” providing new perspectives on Yiwei War

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2024/08/23
  • Last updated:2024/08/23
  • Count Views:414
THCDC launches new book “The Liugdui and Gadunggiog Battles in 1895,” providing new perspectives on Yiwei War 展示圖 The Book Launch Ceremony

The Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center (THCDC) launched the book “The Liugdui and Gadunggiog Battles in 1895 (1895六堆茄苳腳保臺戰役)” on June 24. During the panel discussion at the book launch, Tai Hsin-I (戴心儀), the author, shared the highs and lows during the book-writing process, which included interviews and fieldwork. The panel was moderated by Wu Mi-cha (吳密察), former director of the National Museum of Taiwan History, and featured Lee Wen-liang (李文良), professor at the Department of History, National Taiwan University, and Hsu Pei-hsien (許佩賢), professor at the Graduate Institute of Taiwan History, National Taiwan Normal University.

The event was graced with the presence of THCDC Director Ho Chin-liang, Mayor Lai Wen-i (賴文一) of Jiadong Township, Director Huang Lu-feng (黃露鋒) of the Master Program of Hakka Cultural Industry at the National Pingtung University, Director Cheng Chun-chun (曾純純) of the Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, and other distinguished guests.

Since its establishment, the THCDC has been committed to developing discourse and research in Hakka culture and history. The “1895 Yiwei War – A Research Project on Gadunggiog Battle (1895年乙未戰爭—茄苳腳戰役調查研究計畫),” which commenced in 2020, investigates the development of the war in Pingtung County and its effects on the Hakka community. Tai Hsin-I, a historian, researched how Hakka predecessors fought against the Japanese troops that landed from southern Taiwan, which later became known as the Battle in Gadunggiog.

The research projects commissioned by the THCDC in recent years and subsequently published include “The Yiwei War in Taichung and Changhua (抗與順的抉擇一乙未中彰保衛戰)” and “The Miaoli Battle in 1895 (1895苗栗保臺戰役).” Furthermore, “The Siege of Lingdui Hakka Village in 1895 (籠城之戰:1895年南臺灣六堆客家火燒庄戰役),” published by the Taiwan Historica of Academia Historica, also plays a vital role in preserving Taiwan’s Hakka history. The newly released “The Liugdui and Gadunggiog Battles in 1895” completes the big picture with its valuable findings.

Director Ho Chin-liang stated that the THCDC has been collaborating with local universities, organizations, and researchers to initiate Hakka cultural studies. He noted that the Yiwei War of 1895 holds significant importance to the Liugdui Hakka community and expressed his hope that the new book will inspire local communities to explore their local cultures and engage in investigations of Liugdui Hakka culture, thereby deepening their understanding of Hakka culture through multiple channels.