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The opening ceremony of the Liudui 300th anniversary celebration convention

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2020/08/29
  • Last updated:2024/06/28
  • Count Views:1504
The opening ceremony of the Liudui 300th anniversary celebration convention 展示圖 The opening ceremony of the Liudui 300th anniversary celebration convention

The convention of the establishment of a committee to prepare of the Liudui 300th anniversary celebration is scheduled to be convened on August 29th, 2020. Social elites and people from all walks of life who have long been involved in Hakka affairs are invited to join us on this grand occasion to plan events and activities in 2021. Through the establishment of a preparation committee, people get together to collectively declare the historical significance of the milestone of the Liudui 300th anniversary in the hope of further promoting Liudui Hakka identity.

A opening ceremonyB opening ceremony

The preparation committee conference is widely supported by expatriates and people overseas. The attendees of this grand event include members of the Taipei City Liudui Overseas Association and the Taitung Liudui Association, social elites, and people from all walks of life who have long been involved in Liudui Hakka public affairs. The enthusiastic response fully shows the centripetal force of Liudui residents’ collaborative promotion to celebrate the events of the Liudui 300th anniversary. The seed camp of younger generations, which starts on August 24th, sees young students who are interested in Hakka social culture on a six-day cultural tour where participants are given the opportunity to learn about the history, humanities, and industrial economy of a Hakka village. These young enthusiasts then plant the seed for the next generation to pass on and enable sustainability of Hakka culture.

A Rite of passageB Rite of passage

According to Chairperson Yang Chang-Chen, the human organization of Liudui formed under the context of the Taiwanese Immigration Society has quite a particular historical significance. As a major totem of the Hakka ethnic group in southern Taiwan, Liudui has been gathering up each Hakka village settlement for a long time thanks to close interactions with Taiwanese plains indigenous peoples, Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Hoklo Taiwanese, mainlanders, the internal development of water supply and the Hakka ancestral estate association network.

C Group photo of the chairperson and members of the preparation committeeGroup photo of the chairperson and members of the preparation committee  大合照

Today, Liudui is about to celebrate its 300th anniversary. To honor the Liudui Hakka identity, the Hakka Affairs Council has drawn up a series of celebratory events and activities centered on the Liudui 300th anniversary by combining the local cultural texture of Hakka villages in 12 townships and districts. The theme is “cultural inheritance, and population communion” as the foundation of the committee to declare the historical significance of this milestone and plan events and activities for next year. Nationals and fellows of diverse ethnic groups are all invited and welcome to join in the celebrations of the Liudui 300th anniversary next year.

Group photo of Liudui’s young generation seed teamRite of passage hosted by the Hakka Affairs CouncilWelcome speech given by Chairperson Yang Chang-Chen