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Organization Act

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2020/12/23
  • Last updated:2020/12/23
  • Count Views:7964

Organization Act of Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council

Article 1.          Hakka Culture Development Center specially adopts these Regulations, Hakka Affairs Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”), for purposes of distributing duties among its internal units.

Article 2.          The director is responsible for settling all the Center’s businesses and affairs and supervising the subordinate personnel; the deputy director is responsible for assisting the director with handling the Center’s businesses and affairs.

Article 3.        The Center has set up the following divisions and offices:

  1. Research and Development Division
  2. Performance and Exhibition Division
  3. Cultural Resources and Collection Division
  4. Cultural Promotion Division
  5. Secretariat Office
  6. Personnel Office
  7. Accounting Office

Article 4.        The Research and Development Division’s primary duties shall be as follows:

  1. Handling the Center’s research and development, comprehensive planning, innovation-development promotion, and formulation of medium-term and long-range plans.
  2. Promoting the integration of regional resources and development of Hakka museums and Hakka cultural parks (hereinafter referred to as “the Center’s museums and parks”) under the jurisdiction of Hakka Culture Development Center.
  3. Planning and implementing Hakka research and development as well as domestic and international academic exchanges.
  4. Responsible for the programming, supervision, evaluation and performance review of the long-range operating management and development of the Center’s museums and parks.
  5. Matters related to the Center’s information management.
  6. Other matters related to research and development and comprehensive planning.

Article 5.        The Performance and Exhibition Division’s primary duties shall be as follows:

  1. Research, plan, and implement art and cultural performances, exhibition topics and special exhibition programs at the Center’s museums and parks.
  2. Handling the exhibition, construction, management, and maintenance of venue and site facilities.
  3. Formulating research and implementing Hakka cultural drama, folksongs, and arts promotion activities at the Center’s museums and parks.
  4. Other matters related to performance and exhibition.

Article 6.         The Cultural Resources and Collection Division’s primary duties shall be as follows:

  1. Planning and promoting the exploration, collection, statistical analysis, research, and publication of Hakka cultural resources.
  2. Drafting operating procedures and collection plans for the Center’s museums and parks.
  3. Conducting survey research, collection, appraisal, preservation, management, and conservation of classic collections at all the Center’s museums and parks.
  4. Handling the collection, preservation, management, conservation, promotion and value-added application of books and materials at all the Center’s museums and parks.
  5. Conducting the digital collection, management, and system maintenance and operation of cultural resources.
  6. Other matters related to cultural resources collection.

Article 7.         The Cultural Promotion Division’s primary duties shall be as follows:

  1. Planning and implementing exchanges and communications among professionals of social education institutes, community relationship development of Hakka villages, and public relations marketing.
  2. Planning and implementing ticketing and tourist services.
  3. Formulating research and implementing environmental education of Hakka culture.
  4. Handling volunteer services and training, cultivating docents and guiding interpreters.
  5. Handling the cultural and creative development of the Center, outsourcing the investment invitations of the museums and parks, and operating and managing service facilities.
  6. Other matters related to public service.

Article 8.         The Secretariat Office is responsible for the following matters:

  1. Safekeeping legal systems and seals, and managing documents and files.
  2. General affairs, cashier, custody, security, mechanical and electrical works, construction and maintenance, procurement, and other office management.
  3. Human resource management of maintenance workers (including drivers) and atypical workforce.
  4. Matters beyond the scope of the duty of each office and division.

Article 9.         The Personnel Office is in charge of the Center’s personnel matters.

Article 10.       The Accounting Office is in charge of the Center’s budget matters, accounting transactions, and statistics.

Article 11.       The Center handles all its businesses and affairs, implements a hierarchical control system, and authorizes decision-making responsibility according to decentralization specifications.

Article 12.       The enforcement of this Act takes effect on January 15th, 2016. The enforcement of the amended articles of this Act takes effect on January 1st, 2021.


  • Organization Act pdf.png