
- 191 【Liudui Park Activity】2019 Liudui creativity carnival and Pingtung picnic day. It’s a good day to come here to enjoy food and find good food.
- 192 【Liudui Announcement】2019 Liudui creativity carnival and Pingtung picnic day. It’s a good day to come here to enjoy food and find good food.
- 193 【Liudui Park Announcement】The Fountain Schedule Adjustment from 5/4-8/25
- 194 【Taiwan Hall Activity】Dr. Anthony Seeger, the Distinguished Honorary Professor in Department of Ethnomusicology in University of California, Los Angeles, USA,_visits Taiwan Hakka Museum.
- 195 【Taiwan Hall Activity】Dr. Anthony Seeger, the Distinguished Honorary Professor in Department of Ethnomusicology in University of California, Los Angeles, USA,_visits Taiwan Hakka Museum.
- 196 【Announcement】Raknus Selu Trail: Chant the romantic epics in Taiwan Romantic Route 3.
- 197 【Announcement】Raknus Selu Trail: Chant the romantic epics in Taiwan Romantic Route 3.
- 198 【Announcement】Chung Chao-cheng Literary Park opens in Taoyuan City
- 199 【Liudui Park Announcement】The Fountain Schedule Adjustment from 4/19-4/21
- 200 【Announcement】President Tsai attends Hakka Tung Blossom Festival opening event